With the spring | logistics demand scale to a new level Support economic power is strong
2023/3/2 10:55:44

The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing released logistics operation data for 2022 on Tuesday. In 2022, despite the complex international environment and the impact of COVID-19 at home, the logistics industry showed strong resilience, and the scale of logistics demand reached a new level.

In 2022, the country's total social logistics reached 347.6 trillion yuan, up 3.4 percent year on year. From the perspective of the trend of the year, logistics operation in the first quarter achieved a stable start, the second quarter fell down significantly, the third quarter stabilized and recovered, and the fourth quarter stabilized and slowed down. The total growth rate of social logistics basically continued to recover and achieved a restorative growth throughout the year.

He Hui, Chief Economist of China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing: In 2022, the whole logistics industry maintained stable growth despite multiple difficult factors such as multiple sporadic and frequent outbreaks of COVID-19 and complex international situation, which reflects the resilience of logistics growth.

In addition, experts said that the total amount of social logistics has a high correlation with the change of GDP, and the scale of logistics demand continues to grow steadily, which is an important basis for promoting the link between supply and demand of the national economy industrial chain and the circulation of physical commodities. Seen from the logistics demand coefficient, that is, the ratio between the total amount of social logistics and GDP, the logistics demand coefficient has been shrinking in the past five years, which also shows that the efficiency of economic operation is constantly improving.

He Mingke, Deputy Director of the Teaching Steering Committee of Logistics Management and Engineering Majors of the Ministry of Education, Professor at the School of E-commerce and Logistics of Beijing Technology and Business University: If the logistics (demand) coefficient is large, it means that the entire production or circulation link may have more inventory and occupy more total logistics. If the coefficient is small, it means that efficiency is improving, turnover is improving and inventory is improving.

The demand structure of logistics continued to adjust, and the contribution rate of industry exceeded 70%

From the perspective of social logistics structure, logistics demand in various fields will be adjusted synchronously with industrial upgrading in 2022. Among them, the demand for industrial goods logistics contributes more than 70% to the total growth of social logistics. New consumption patterns develop rapidly, and the demand for logistics in the field of regeneration grows rapidly.

In 2022, the total amount of industrial goods logistics exceeded 300 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.6 percent over the previous year. In terms of the logistics demand structure in the industrial sector, the demand for energy and consumer goods production remained stable, and the logistics demand for equipment manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing remained strong. In 2022, the total logistics volume of high-tech manufacturing increased by 7.4 percent year on year, 3.8 percentage points faster than the total logistics volume of industrial products. The total logistics volume of the equipment manufacturing industry grew by 5.6% year-on-year, 2.0 percentage points faster than the total logistics volume of industrial products.

Liu Yuhang, Director of China Logistics Information Center: The logistics structure has been further optimized. The proportion of new driving force, new energy, intelligent manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing sectors in the industrial field has gradually increased. The proportion of new consumer consumption and online e-commerce sectors in the consumer field has also gradually increased.

In 2022, the demand for e-commerce logistics was more resilient, with online logistics of physical goods reaching more than 12 trillion yuan. China is still the world's largest online retail market, and the advantage of oversized market has become an important driving force to support people's livelihood logistics. In addition, the logistics demand in the field of regeneration is growing rapidly. In 2022, the total amount of renewable resources logistics increased by more than 18 percent year on year. From the perspective of import logistics demand, the overall import logistics in 2022 is at a low level. In terms of quarters, driven by positive factors such as accelerated recovery of some industrial production and repair of the international supply chain, the import flow improved in the fourth quarter, and the year-on-year growth rate turned from negative to positive.

He Hui, chief economist of China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing: The high price of bulk raw materials in the world has affected the import logistics, showing a downward trend. With the gradual recovery of the economy, the decline is also slowing down.

Cross-border e-commerce air lines between Shenzhen and Liege, Belgium were opened

On February 24, the "Shenzhen-Liege" cross-border e-commerce air line was opened, connecting Shenzhen Airport and Liege Airport in Belgium. This air line mainly carries Shenzhen's characteristic industrial products, and the frequency will be increased according to the cargo volume in the future. After the opening of the route, Shenzhen Airport international and regional cargo navigation cities to reach 35. The opening of this special air line for cross-border e-commerce will further promote the coordinated development of cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics between China and the EU, and promote the high-quality development of China-Eu economic and trade exchanges and cross-border e-commerce industry.

A new land-sea corridor in the western part of the country has been opened

On Feb 24, seven trucks with standard containers slowly pulled out of the Yunyang Free Trade Warehouse in Chongqing, carrying goods including electronic products, specialty agricultural products and toys from Yunyang, Wanzhou and Kaizhou. The goods will be transported to ASEAN, Europe and the United States by rail-sea freight trains and cross-border road buses on the new land-sea corridor in western China. The opening of the new land-sea railway and sea transportation and cross-border highway shuttles reduces logistics costs and improves logistics timeliness for the northeast Chongqing region. Meanwhile, it will drive the economic and trade development of the northeast Chongqing region and make the region deeply integrated into the construction of the "Belt and Road" and the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

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